A few weeks back I picked up a new DJ mixer to go along with the rest of my gear, I thought I'd share it with some thoughts :).
It's a 2 Channel mixer, Korg are pretty with it when it comes to build quality, the features are great, nesting Korg's famed 'Kaoss Pad' embedded in the mixer itself, I love the fact that the EQ has 'Isolation' meaning that all frequencies are cut when you cut each channel as opposed to other mixers which leave frequencies dwelling even when each EQ channel is sitting at 0.

It's got pretty hefty RRP but what can you expect when they retail the Mini KP for a couple of hundred alone (Which is the same Kaoss Pad in the KM-202). I love the crossfader, extremely smooth with plenty of room for preference thanks to the crossfader adjuster.

The 'Kaoss Pad' is amazing! with 99 presets and presets within each of those presets using the touch pad, this thing has it buckled down when it comes to effects, owning for a few weeks now I haven't even had a chance to check them all out, whats also very cool is the combination of effects some of the effects are eg. 'LFO+Flanger+Phase', you can only imagine what those sort of combo's sound like, my favorite thus far is the 'Beat Repeat'.
I think my only qualms with the unit are that I'd prefer larger EQ knobs but thats just personal preference, PFL for the 'Kaoss Pad' would be great too, as it would let you experiment with it without disrupting what your playing.

I highly recommend this as a DJM-400 alternative, aside from a few minor things and they really are minor- I'm loving this new device.
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