Anyone familiar with the JDM scene or anime scene even is very familiar "AE86" (colloquially known as the 'Hachi Roku' in japan) , also known as the 'Toyota Sprinter".
Eventually in a future post I'll give a greater depth and run down of the AE86 and all it's variations for those who don't know enough, and those whom want to know a little more :). Well Toyota have pulled thier sleeves up and hopefully (fingers crossed) break the mold of thier 'Cardigan Image' they've managed to ascertain in the past decade with the countless 'Camrys' and 'Prius', sure theyre economic, but let's face it... they're as entertaining as watching paint dry.
Across the interwebz countless new images are released by the big boys in japan, teasing us with the ever growing developments of the AE86's spiritual successor... the 'FT-86'.
Sporting heavy reference to the 80's box classic, the FT-86 has set out to inject some excitement into the 'FR' Market, a gap that, in my opinion was left when cars such as the 'S15' and 'RX7' ceased production in the early 2000's.
Without further ado, tasty teasing images!

few nice FT-86 photochopped images here: